Content Marketing
The goal of content marketing strategy is to increase exposure, increase creditability and the all-important backlink which will increase rankings and traffic. So in addition to writing great content on your website, you also want to write great content to put on other people’s websites so you can harness your other people’s rankings, traffic, email list, social audience, and get them to link back to your website. It is important to note that with all the Google algorithm changes and FTC regulations, you have to follow all of the guidelines to avoid any issues. Here is an overview of some of the content marketing strategies we run for clients.
- Competitor Analysis – Do a full competitor analysis on all the competitors in your niches you are targeting to learn from all the site structure, keyword strategy, content strategy, calls to action, lead generation, etc. The goal is to find ideas and opportunities that you are currently not taking advantage off.
- Backlink Analysis – Do a full backlink analysis of all competitors and other relevant sites and contact all the sites that are linking to your competitors and ask them to link to you. We will contact a couple hundred a month and get you 5 to 25 pages of good content marketing and backlink opportunities a month.
- Guest Posts – Use Buzzsumo and Ninja Outreach to contact every relevant blog and news site, and ask them if we can do a guest post, news article, interview, etc. When contacting, in addition to writing an article, also provide a summary video of why they want to work with your products. The goal is to get the backlink, social posts, etc. I recommend content 50 to 100 sites a month with the goal launching 2 to 6 guest posts a month.
- Podcast Marketing – Contact every relevant podcast and ask if they can interview you on their podcast. The goal is to get as many interviews and a backlink from the transcript or show notes and increase exposure.
- Affiliates Influencers – Contact every affiliate influencers and provide with the perfect 30 sec video with targeted landing page and Amazon link back. The goal is that it gets Social posts, email blasts, blogs, and more.
- Giveaways – Put together a give away offer for a couple of productst that we can pitch to their audience and social audiences.
- Coupon Sites – Contact all the coupon sites offering a special 10% to 25% coupon code. There are like 50 to 100 good coupon sites that we will get you posted on.
- Paid Advertorials – Develop a list of paid articles and social posts on all the local and national magazines. Then, depending on the budget, schedule a roadmap for launching a good advertorial a month.
- Journalist Outreach – Use tools like Buzzsumo, Ninja outreach, and, and to contact a bunch of journalists that target special industries and needs with content ideas. Respond to every relevant contributor opportunity.
- Setup Blogging Network – Development a network of 50 to 500 bloggers with similar goals, mission, and audience that you can contact and get them to help you promote something the new product, event, Kickstarter. When you need something promoted, you need a team of mommy bloggers that want to help. The goal is that when you want to launch something, you are not sending an email, social post and blog on one website, that you are getting your blogging network to help share the new to their audience as well.
So contact Harnessing Strengths today and learn more about our content marketing strategies and how we can help take your content marketing to the next level.